Aliasing in C is about to refer to the same memory space as different types, that is, accessing a variable’s value through a pointer of another type. Practically it means interpreting a variable’s representation in memory as if it was the represenation of a variable of a different type. In C it is quite often.
unsigned char uc = 65; // ascii code of 'A'
char *cp = (char *)&uc; // alias to uc
printf("%c", *cp); // prints 'A'
The example above shows this technique and there is no problem with it. An
unsigned char
is interpreted as a char
and is printed out.
The example below is OK too. If the actual value is changed through the lvalue
of either *cp
or uc
, since they are “compatible” in terms of aliasing, the
compiler will be aware of the change no matter through which lvalue was it
unsigned char uc = 65; // ascii code of 'A'
char *cp = (char *)&uc; // alias to uc
uc++; // 'A' + 1 = 'B'
printf("%c", *cp); // prints 'B'
The compiler will not suppose - even if it optimizies - that *cp
intact, while uc
is changed. It will print ‘B’ correctly.
If the same memory location is refferred through two incompatible types, the compiler may think that the two lvalues are completely different, they do not rely on each other, so if one is changed, the other will remain intact.
long a = 0x12345678;
short *bp = (short *)&a;
printf("%ld", a);
// may print either the decimal value equal to 0x12345678 or 0x12355678
// (assuming straight byte order and little endiannes for the sake of simplicity)
There are more problems with it. Referencing the address of a
as if it would
be a short, covers only a part of its storage in memory. Assuming that long is
4 bytes and short is 2 (with straight byte order, little endian storage) the
memory looks as follows:
|0x12|0x34|0x56|0x78| a long
^ ^
| |
|0x12|0x34| aliased as short
It is obvious that on architectures with different endiannes it results completely different value, so it is absolutely not portable.
Even bigger problem is that the compiler may think that the two lvalues a
are completely different variables, because of their incompatible types,
and assumes that if one is changed the other remains intact. It actually turns
into problem, when the compiler tries to optimize.
Strict aliasing is a concept on wich in certain circumstances the compiler can rely on. It says, that even if two lvalues refer to the same memory location, if their types are incompatible, there is no relation between them, they can be handled absolutely independently. Relying on this rule/assumption the compiler has an easier job on optimization.
Errors occur when compiler thinks this is the case and in real it is not.
There are two possible solutions to avoid hard to find bugs resulting from misunderstanding between the programmer and the compiler: Either making the compiler be aware of that we are not that pedantic, so it’s better not to rely on such assumption, Or just always being type correct.
The easier way is to let the compiler know that we ignore the Strict aliasing
rules, and make sure that it does not suppose that we are type correct. This
can be done by providing a flag to the compiler: -fno-strict-aliasing
. Using
Makefile it should be added to CFLAGS
This may be the best practice if dealing with legacy code. It secures that the compiler will not make assumptions that it should not.
The prettier way is to be type correct and do not ever refer to the same memory location as different incompatible types.
In terms of strict aliasing the following types are compatible:
Those that differ only in signedness (signed
) or in qualifiers
(e.g. volatile
, const
A struct or union type can alias types contained inside them,
e.g, an int
can be aliased with a union { int a; char b }
typdef union {
int n;
char c;
} union_t;
int i = 0x12345678;
union_t *up = (union_t *)&i;
i *= 2; // it will surely affect *up too
printf("%c", up->c);
char *
, signed char *
, unsigned char *
) can point
to (alias) any memory a = 0x12345678;
char *cp = (char *)&a;
printf("%c", *cp);